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Friday, June 5, 2009


Mrs Tay, if you are asking if I am enjoying my June holidays.... I can say that i am really NOT enjoying it at the moment, you want to know the reason..... let me tell you it is all because of homework here and homework there and homework everywhere!!! My mother says that if I don't finish my homeworks, i can't play and ENJOY my school holidays. I wonder why must teachers give us homework. My parents giving me assessments is okay because my parents don't give me a dateline for it, not like homework where we have to finish it in ONE holiday!!!! Is it possible? Ok, teachers I think you don't get it, the amount of homework you give us, so I will write it All out. EVERY single subject!!!
  • English:
  1. post 2 entries per week on blog
  2. 2 newspaper articles to be pasted on full scape
  3. 5 words per article for dictionary skills
  4. reflections/opinions (50 words)
  5. Lead.com
  6. 2 books per person ( must read)
  • Math
  1. Lead.com ( 6 assignments)
  2. Calender mathematics ( Worksheet)
  • Chinese
  1. 4 worksheets
  2. Reading passport ( 6 pages)
  3. Journal writing
  4. Compo worksheet
  • Science
  1. Y.I. Day
  2. Science worksheet

Teachers, can you now SEE the load of homework we have!!! Stop giving us homework anymore for the holidays!!! Or maybe could you kindly extent the dateline please.... :(

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