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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Forest Adventure

Today, I went to the forest adventure in bedok resevior. It was very fun even though it was very expensive... You might ask me what is it. Forest Adventure is an aerial course built through the trees comprising ladders, bridges, swings, nets, trapezes and giant zip lines!… There are 2 courses, the grand course ( above 1.4m ), the kids course ( 1.1m - 1.45m ). I am 1.44m so I went to the grand course as the people there say that it is more exciting and fun. So sad that I am not 18 so I need parent supervision on the grand course. Anyway, its better as my father can also play!!! We took 1 hr 40mins to complete the grand course. At the end, I regret not wearing gloves as there are many blisters on my hands. But luckly, I wore trousers and sports shoes! I would love to go there again! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Go-Kart Racing

I went go-kart racing 2day! It's super duper fun!!! :) It is part of a fun-fair so its free and you can go as many rounds as u like. The Q was very long at first but after a while ( which is 2 hrs), the Q gets shorter and shorter and finally *NO-Q* at all! I went 4 times and each time i went about 6 or 7 rounds. I <3 it!!! SOOOOOO FUN!!! have u all tried it b4? u should really go and try it! Its something like the sentosa luge but with a gas pedal and brake pedal. The track is surrounded by many many car tires. I did not bang onto any one of them but my father did bang onto them *one* time! Bye! I'm going again ltr, after lunch!

Friday, September 18, 2009

If I were a fruit, I will be a ...

pong pong or anything inedible. I would not want anyone to eat me, or even touch me! As long as someone pluck me or eat me, di...... my life is over! I obviously don't want to die soooo soon so might as well be something poisonous. my second choice would be... durian! I love them, some people would say they are smelly but to me, they smell soooo nice! Durian lovers, wouldn't you agree with me? Durian also have sharp spikes so I would not be 'defeated' so easily. And not many people likes to eat durians so I would have a slightly longer life.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

" Good menners will open doors that the best education cannot." Clarence Thomas

To me, it just means that no mater how smart you are, there are some "doors" that you cannot open. "doors" means like maybe things or happenings or something...! The quote is actually saying that with just good education and no manners, we cannot accomplish certain things or maybe we might not even be able to do that! So, Mrs Tay, I think you are trying to tell us that we cannot only be smart but we must have good manners and stuffs like that... blah... blah...blah... And I think you are using this method to teach us... um... discipline or maybe studies or something... Anyway, don't give us anymore quotes to decipher or is there more coming???

Sunday, July 19, 2009


H1N1!!! I feel like killing this weird desease... Its so evil but at least it has got nothing to do with pigs!!! It made me cannot go overseas during the June holidays. I was suppose to go to China, Shandong with school and cannot! H1N1! I was suppose to go to back home to China, Wuhan for a visit with family and cannot! H1N1! I feel like cursing you... Arh!!! But actually its good in a way if it goes up to the red alert level, we would not need to go to school!

Monday, July 13, 2009

N. E. Show

I went to the NDP Full Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, 11.07.09. It was quite fun and exciting and bored, except for the Rain!!! It was a disaster! By the time I got home, which was around 10 pm, I was already as wet as if I had just went to shower with my clothes on. I was also very cold. You might wonder how did I become so wet, because I had to share my only umbrella with Sofia and my poncho had many holes in it... The best part I like about the parade is the Red Lions, the parachute jumpers ( that's what I call them.) The way they fly down from such a high distance, it sure looked dangerous. At first, I thought the helicopter was a bird because it looked so small and tiny. And the worse part is the RAIN!!! To bad I did not bring my camera so I could not upload any pictures onto my this post... Because my parents are scared that I would lose it. Anyway, back to the parade... they gave a fun pack that was quite big and I managed to stuff all my things into it without breaking it ( Some people broke theirs, the quality was very bad). They also gave us a Zinger burger for dinner which wasn't so spicy and I added the chili sauce . Thats all, bye!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Would I have liked to live in Ancient Greece?

No, no and absolutely nooooo... ... They are so unfair and cruel to women and girls. They were not even important at all! Women could not vote, could not own property ( what rubbish is that?) and women could not act as it is all against the law. One good thing is that girls did not need to go to school but then, they have to learn to do housework! I would rather go to school than to do housework, we could at least make friends and play together at school not like at home where we would have to do house work all the time. Since women and girls are not important at all, why do they still need them/us? Maybe it is just for housework as men and boys are all sooo lazy to do housework! Luckily thing have changed now... ...

Animated Comics to enjoy.

Hi people! I have got some comics here for you to enjoy! Just clck! :)


Woman: Do you have a letter for me?
Mailman: What's your name?
Woman: It should be on the letter.

Judge: I thought I told you I didn't want to see you in my court again?
Prisoner: I told the police officer but he didn't believe me.

Try this sponge cake. I made it myself.
Its a little tough.
I can't understand why. I made it from a fresh sponge.

My cat's head has been drooping. I'm taking him to a vet.
Neck's weak?
No, tomorrow.

What did the ghost name its new motel?
What? Ghost motel?
Rest Inn Peace

Man at hotel: Excuse me, but I'm registered at this hotel. Could you tell me what room I'm in?
Hotel Clerk: Certainly, you're in the lobby.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Greedy test...

If one day u found a $2 note, $5 note, $10 note and $50 note, which one will u take? Which one will u give to the police? Think carefully..... 10 secounds to answer..10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1....0!!
Answer: You should take ALL of them!!!
If u got a different answer... u really don't want money...u really are truthful... and nice... not greedy like ME!!! :D

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hi people, got some interesting stuffs to tell you all! I got this from a 'quiz' (not sure what to call it) in facebook. It sounds a bit fakeish ( not sure if have this word) though...

Xinyu dicovered the secret behind his/her name.

C : You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it.
H : You are not judgmental.
E : You are a very exciting person.
N : You like to work, but you always want a break.

X : You never let people tell you what to do.
I : You are always smiling and making others smile.
N : You like to work, but you always want a break.
Y : You cause a lot of trouble.
U : You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.

Plz comment if you think it is fake or true... Thx I want to know.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Some more Jokes & Riddles!

Q: Why was Cinderella such a terrible bsketball player?
A: Because she had a pumpkin for a coach.
Q: When is a basketball player like a baby?
A: When he dribbles.
Q:Why does it get hot after a soccer game?
A: Because all the fans are gone.

I'll give you an idea how smart our team is. The other day we were in a bus on the way to play a game. All of the sudden, the bus driver slammed on the brakes and yelled, "Look at that pig with one eye!" Quickly, The entire team covered one eye and looked.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So bored...

I don't get it! Why is this holiday so bored!!!!! I feel like sleeping whole day! All we get to do is, do homework, do assessments, and maybe sometimes get to play computer!!!! Its all this H1N1's fault!!! We are supposed to go to Shandong but than... cannot! I am supposed to go to China... but than cannot because Singapore got too many of this crazy H1N1 flu. I feel so bored, if only a miracle could happen and we can restart this June holiday without any problems (H1N1)!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Mrs Tay, if you are asking if I am enjoying my June holidays.... I can say that i am really NOT enjoying it at the moment, you want to know the reason..... let me tell you it is all because of homework here and homework there and homework everywhere!!! My mother says that if I don't finish my homeworks, i can't play and ENJOY my school holidays. I wonder why must teachers give us homework. My parents giving me assessments is okay because my parents don't give me a dateline for it, not like homework where we have to finish it in ONE holiday!!!! Is it possible? Ok, teachers I think you don't get it, the amount of homework you give us, so I will write it All out. EVERY single subject!!!
  • English:
  1. post 2 entries per week on blog
  2. 2 newspaper articles to be pasted on full scape
  3. 5 words per article for dictionary skills
  4. reflections/opinions (50 words)
  5. Lead.com
  6. 2 books per person ( must read)
  • Math
  1. Lead.com ( 6 assignments)
  2. Calender mathematics ( Worksheet)
  • Chinese
  1. 4 worksheets
  2. Reading passport ( 6 pages)
  3. Journal writing
  4. Compo worksheet
  • Science
  1. Y.I. Day
  2. Science worksheet

Teachers, can you now SEE the load of homework we have!!! Stop giving us homework anymore for the holidays!!! Or maybe could you kindly extent the dateline please.... :(

My favourite place

My favourite place would be my house. You might ask me why, because my house is the only place where I can relax (not to mention homework!!!), and I can do almost everything I want to not like in school where teachers will say:" Keep Quiet and do your work if not no recess!!!". It's like you can have freedom without anybody controlling over you. No offense teachers, really. It's just that home is the place where we all really belong. School or work place is just a... sort of like 'other' place where we can have fun. I have many reasons why I like my home the best but if I write it all down, I might just never finish.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jokes & riddles!!!

Fun time!!! Relax ur brain... ...
  1. A dentist comes home from work and says to his wife, "Things aren't going so well at work. There aren't many people with cavities lately!" " What are you going to do?" asks his wife. "I've decided to take on a partner," the dentist explains. " Another dentist?" "No... A candy maker!"
  2. A patient says to the dentist, "Doctor, all my teeth are yellow. what do you suggest?" The doctor examines him and answers,"Well, i suggest you should dress up your smile and wear a brown tie... ..."
  3. A patient goes to the doctor." Doctor, my cold won't go away." "Did you do what i suggested?" the doctor asks. "Did you have a glass of milk and honey, and a hot bath?" "I did drink the milk and honey, but I couldn't finish the hot bath. It was too much to drink!"
  4. Which fish always have cold? ____________

.......... Ans: Ah-choo-vies!

Thats all! Have a good June holidays!!! Check back often for more! ^_^ >_<

Monday, April 13, 2009


To me... it can be taught because you cannot tell me that once a baby is born, it can draw like an artist right? I know I am being sarcastic but... you know what I mean. Creativity can be taught if you spend time and effort in teaching that certain person. And even if a person starts out without good creativity skills, he can be taught by teachers, parents and even his friends. So i hope you agree with me.


Yes, even I realise that courtesy is truly lacking in our society. I rarely hear people say 'thank you... Sorry' and stuffs like that...... People coming to me nicely to clarify a misunderstanding before they start to react negatively, throwing accusations at me are very rare. And, when I come to class late, I will normally greet the teacher and explain the reason for my late coming before I go to my seat but I don't think most people does that. (No Offence, people)

Courtesy means to me as
  • Being polite and not rude
  • Saying "thank you" or "Sorry" or stuffs like that.
  • Being kind
  • Explain nicely before reacting negatively
  • Being courteous (Of course! Don't know why I even bothered to say that?!)

So, I hope that we can all be courteous and kind towards one another and the world will become a better place for all.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Holidays

So, I can't write about homework and stuffs so I think I will write about my so called 'holiday' which I did almost nothing! Is swimming carnival (13.03.09) counted as holiday? That's the only day which I did quite some things.
  • Eva came my house on 13.05.09 for the project on YOG (okay..... I know I am not allowed to write about projects, but that is the only thing I sort of like did, not mentioning homework.) Than we went to Vanessa's house for also the YOG. Because Vanessa was not free in the morning.
  • I went to the Queenstown Library on 15.03.09 to borrow some books together with my mom and my brothers. So that is also sort of the only thing I did ~ Reading!
  • On 16.03.09, I went to a Chinese Camp that was so boring that I almost slept through it! And the food is Horrible!
  • There was a ambassador training on 17.03.09. It was in the morning.
  • There was a Chinese Dance Competition on 20.03.09 (It was actually a cheerleader competition but our school don't have cheerleader CCA so they choose us). It was the first round and we aren't sure if we made it into the finals. Wish me Luck! =)
  • Allyson came my house on 22.03.09 for a ambassador project which actually more people are suppose to come but I don't know why they did not come.

That's all! I did not go to anywhere nice or beautiful. And most of the other time I did Homework or read book or do assasments. Also, I don't have tuition, incase you are wondering why I did not brought that up. Bye for now! WTYS (write to you soon)!!!

That was the problem ... I didn't know

That is so crazy to love an object more than your family! No Offence! Even if maybe they are annoying or selfish or whatever, how can you love an object more than them? You lost an object, you can replace it but if you lost a family member, you can never replace it! So no matter how much you hate your family, remember, no one can replace them and not everyone has such good life ( some people lose their parents or siblings since they were born). So my answer is you cannot love an object more than your family!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have a lot of dreams but they can't be possible......
  1. Have an escalator in school: they don't allow us to take the lift up to the seventh floor so an escalator will be good as it will not be so tiring to climb up and down the stairs every day.
  2. No test or exams in school: this is very not possible but I guess that's every student's wish. No pressure! No assessments! No Stress!
  3. Get to go to every single country in the world before I die: this could be possible but quite un-possible too. I know you might think that I am crazy. But it is a dream right, come on... everyone can dream of some weird stuffs.
  4. Don't have any homework everyday even during holidays: Very un-possible! I know that, but think about it, how nice would it be without homework. We can relax so much........
  5. No school: this will be good for everyone! We don't need to learn and have homework and have exams. You teaches don't have to mark and teach and scold. Parents or maid don't have to waste time to bring or fetch us to school. We can all Relax.....................

Oh! Come on Chen Xinyu, Stop dreaming! you know it can't be possible. Stop wasting your time! So I guess I will have to say bye bye! :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My week!

Hi! Let me tell you about my crazy week!

Monday: Chinese Sup

Tuesday: went to see a musical......performance

Wednesday: Got lots of Homework and assessments

Thursday: Went to The Battle Box than got math Olympiad than got Dance CCA. (busiest!)

Friday:Sci Supp

So I know most of you your week is busier because of extra classes like tuition, but I don't have so, this, to me is counted as busy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

P5 camp

I love P5 camp! It was so fun! Wish it was longer like maybe 1 week...... My camp partner was Annabelle.

I dislike... ...

Our dorms and bunks: I slept in the top bunk beside my friends and it was very squeezed. We got only half of our sleeping beds! Our dorm is quite dirty and on the secound day, there were 2 frogs in our dorm!!!

The food: They give us so much rice or noodles and so little nice stuffs, like meat! I wasted alot of food as I normally can't finish the rice.

The day which it rained: We did not get to do Abseiling!!! Many people said that it was very fun and we missed it!!! I hate the rain!

And I like... ...

Most of the activities: I loved the Challenge Rope Course the most! I did the Horizontal Bar and I made through it less than 1 minute!!! I don't believe it! I also liked the Rock Climbing Wall. I climbed until the slope than I fell, Boo! Nobody reached the top, sad!

The Campfire: It was the first time I had done a campfire and it was so nice and exciting and brilliant! I like the performance by the groups too! But I think that we are polluting the environment too much! So much smoke went into the sky at the end!Boo!

The whole of P5 Camp!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My hobbies are reading, rollerblading, designing and writing poems.
Why I like them:
  • Reading: I love to read adventurous stories the most. Reading is nice as you can improve your english composition and you can learn different ways of writing.

  • Rollerblading: It is fun and and not tiring as you can go very far and fast with just one step. I rollerblades almost every day with my neighbours at about 5pm in the evening.

  • Designing stuffs: I don't know why I like it but all I know is that it is fun and make you creative.

  • Writing poems: I just found out that I like writing poems a few days ago. Last time I had always thought that it was hard but now, my hand sort of moves by itself!

That's all!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

Chinese New Year!

Chinese new year is just around the corner! I'm so excited, aren't you? There's so much cleaning and decorating to do! i can't wait to get my ang paos! I just can't wait!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Children Under Stress

Yes, I strongly agree Mrs Tay. We were doing better in P1 than P4 is because parents stress us more even though they know that it is harder. They buy for us more assessments and set higher standards for us. Like I must get 90+ for every subject. P1 and P2 , it is possible. But P3 and P4?! Impossible!
So now they make us get at least band 1. Ok, maybe now possible, but P5 and P6? I wonder how?And whenever we don't get to their standards, we get scoulding, or even worse canning! So we get stressed to do well because we obversly do not want to get scoulded. Their are also more and harder homeworks. I wonder why they want to stress us so much? Is it because of PSLE? I wonder!